It is time to get rid of prejudices and put aside the backpack we carry to have a more open and receptive attitude than ever. In Basque the word used for "intelligence" is ADIMEN, which means the capacity (MEN) to be attentive (ADI).
Hard times are ahead as the vulture funds that control the main global sectors such as technology, media, banks, pharmaceuticals, energy, etc. are ready to do anything to increase their profits and leave us with nothing. .... They are willing to do anything to increase their profits and leave us with nothing. For example, the total disappearance of human rights in the world, for which they have begun to exercise absolute social control, like the one implemented by the Nazis and which they have already extended to China. The other objective they have is to make all SMEs, self-employed and small socio-economic networks disappear until there are only two or three multinationals in each sector in the world, just as Amazon and Alibaba are in distribution. This could take us back to the mass slavery of Roman times.
But there is more liberating energy than ever. Strong movements are emerging around the world to do things differently and create new paradigms. To move forward, the freedom, dignity and sovereignty of the people are essential. That is the foundation. It is time to reduce dependencies of all kinds and to work on our own capacities, to help each other, to create networks. Because we have a lot at stake, not only our survival, but also that we do not leave our sons and daughters a worse world than the one that was left to us.
The globalist process seeks the disappearance of people, cultures and languages. Moreover, in the last two years they have greatly accelerated this process with the excuse of health, as can be read in this work by Robert F. Kennedy: . Robert tells us that last year in the United States workers lost 3,000 million dollars and the rich gained 3,900 million. Coincidentally, this is the opposite of what we are told in the 2030 agenda.
To combat globalism each people must rely on natural laws and return to instinct and then act jointly with other peoples, because we have the same destiny worldwide and we need the help of all peoples.
Social engineering. To achieve their goals, the elite are constantly confusing, dividing and scaring people through social engineering. They have been doing it for many, many years. That is why we need more than ever real debates, open, calm and without backpacks, to know everything that has been hidden until now, to make light....
We will come out ahead. Our people were among the first to achieve legal equality both between men and women and between all people, because our ancestors fought hard against the Romans and their Visigoth descendants in the south and their Frankish descendants in the north. Despite having two states on our side, we have been able to keep our millenary language, because we still maintain today solidarity and we have not fallen into wild individualism. That is why we are confident that we will also get out of this impasse, as on previous occasions, with common sense and collaboration.
Why Sena? SEN could be an ancient root of the European mother tongue and in all languages, we would have words that arise from there. In Basque, for example, we have sena, zentzua, zentzumena (sense...). In Spanish sentiment, sense and from there common sense. In Catalan seny. Sena is after all the line that guides us, the soul, the instinct, the intuition. And in the last few decades it seems that we are losing our way, especially common sense, because we are putting other things in front such as a permanent position, money, prestige, fear ..... And the fact is that, if we put aside the common good, common sense disappears. So let's recover common sense, which is the only option to ensure the future of our sons and daughters.
Community or SenaTaldea. For the Sena project to go ahead we need senakides, people who want to participate in this path or auzolan. There are many ways to participate: prepare and send contents (news, articles, letters, photos, videos, audios, hobbies, proverbs...), propose topics of interest, do translation work, make a small monthly financial contribution (by subscribing), advertise (in exchange for money or a product of your own production), or help in any way you can think of. If you want to be part of the Sena Community, you can sign up here and participate in whatever you want.
Let's offer a new voice to Baskonia, to the Iberian peoples and to all humanity. Eskerrikasko!
Sena Taldea