In this section titled Txispas we want to collect curious things, little stories and questions that are worth knowing. You can also participate in this section by sending short texts. In this first "txispa" we want to remember Obanos' call for freedom. "Pro liberate patria, gens libera state".
They met mainly in the town of Obanos, from which it takes its name, but these assemblies were made up of spokesmen from all over Nabarra. They operated mainly in the XIII and XIV centuries and their objective was to confront, in general, the privileges of the nobility (rich, bishop...) and the delinquents. In other words, the objective was to protect the people from the bad guys from "above" and "below".
Most of the people participated in the assemblies of Obanos: peasantry, knights, noblemen, priests.
As they were assemblies arising from the people, they had no connection with the king's apparatus and were completely free. To fight in favor of the people, in many cases they were persecuted and had to operate clandestinely.
When translating this Latin phrase, there are different interpretations:
- For the fatherland to be free, let the free people rise.
- In the name of the fatherland, be free
- Be ready, free people for the freedom of the fatherland.