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Sociopolitical proposal for the Basque Country


The presentation of Soberanía-Democracia Directa took place yesterday in Bilbao. At the press conference were present, among others, the former Dean of the College of Biologists of Euskadi Jon Ander Etxebarria, Nekane Jurado and Aikari Lizaso before us and several personalities from different fields behind them.

In the announcement they gave, they point out that it is time to act differently in the socio-political sphere and that efforts must be made to recover democracy because partitocracy has become a serious problem, as we have seen in the last three years. Two challenges stand out: the recovery of our ancient democracy and the absolute respect for human rights. 

We can read the full text distributed below:



Sovereignty - Direct Democracy

Politics is too important to be left in the hands of professional politicians. It is time to make the leap to democracy and participate directly in the institutions in the management of public resources from the responsibility and sovereignty of each person. 

The era of partitocracy has to end, it has not represented us for a long time. Faced with the curtailment of rights and freedoms, it is necessary that common sense and the common good prevail, something that has nothing to do with what the usual political parties have done during the pandemic. 

Therefore, we call on independent people in each neighborhood, in each municipality, to organize themselves to represent themselves, presenting lists as a popular platform for the municipal elections, with the two following objectives:

- ONE: To manage public bodies and institutions without political parties, recovering our ancient democracy, the system of assemblies, public office positions being selected by the community, freely, without intervention from political parties.  

- ANOTHER: Absolute respect for Human Rights. 

For this, we, as a group of reflection and promotion of a true democracy, through the web, we offer administrative support for the collection of signatures and the preparation of free electoral lists.  

During the electoral campaign, debates will be held between knowledgeable people with names and surnames on various topics, who will develop and discuss in a public way, a transparent guide and high technical and scientific level for citizen platforms that are created, which can be applied or adapted in their respective municipalities. Always respecting the independence of each person, group, platform, Batzarre, municipality and region.  

We propose the self-organization of the people within the town through the Juntas, which have always been our system of direct representation, with the ultimate goal of turning the municipal corporation into a town council. To recover a true direct democracy. 

This is then, our alternative to the system, and for this reason, we will use all the means at our disposal, inside and outside the system itself. Let's start with the closest, the municipality, the provisional government and the Parliament of Navarra. Let us not let the modern gentlemen rule, let us recover our values and rights, our true democracy.

Gora Herrietako Batzarre libreak, gora Osasuna eta Askatasuna!